blogid : 1151 postid : 160

Comman Muslim Mentality

मनोज कुमार सिँह 'मयंक'
मनोज कुमार सिँह 'मयंक'
  • 65 Posts

Once again i am writing on a issue that is likely to heat up and burst like the tip of a my earliar three blogs i have discussed a little about the teachings of quran and didn’t touch Hadith there. i have presented that in a much softer tone,still the issue became bitter and ultimately i had to erase all of them,but the vioce of truth can not be suppressed because ‘satyamev jayate’ and truth alone is mightiest of all.
In this edition of my blog, i shall discuss the common muslim mentality and the concept of jehad,apart from the teachings of quran and hadith,and,i shall quote from these two books,only,when the need arise to do so,in support of my views.
Now the question arise.what is the meaning of muslim? quran clearly defines the term muslim as a person,who believes in the existance of only one Allah,that is formless and Muhammad as a prophet of spite,who practice Kalma,Namaj,Jakat,Haj and Roza.
One another concept of Islam,that is worth mentioning,is,the concept of bifurcation of this world on the ideological clearly proves that Islam is not a way of living but only an extended form of extreme political control.Allah (the omnipresent,omniscient) himself bifurcate the whole world on the basis of religion in two different sect-
(1) Darul-e-Arab (The empire of islam and
(2) Darul-e-Harab (The empire of non-believers)
Quran gives the concept of jihad for her followers and it is unavoidable even for an ordinary muslim. the ultimate aim of jihad is to make the whole world Mohammadan,to congregate the whole under one umbrella,that is islam. to convert the dream of Allah into the reality islam mention three kinds of jihad against non-believers.
(1) Dakhili jihad (internal war)
(2) Dawati jihad (the war of intellectuals)
(3) Mussalah jihad (use of arms against non-believers)
(1) Dakhili jihad – मोमिन मर्द और मोमिन औरतेँ एक दूसरे के मित्र हैँ,वे भलाई का हुक्म देते हैँ और रोकते हैँ।(Quran,surah tauba,ayat 71) Fighter muslim men and Fighter muslim women are friends of one another,they do the work of good(by spreading their monothiestic ideology) and prevent (not to accept the good of other beliefs).thus,it is clear that the dakhili jehad is a kind of internal war among different islamic schools of thought.
(2) Dawati jihad – This is the most dangerous form of (un)holy war which is fought by muslim ideologue and learned muslim clerics.this is also called by the names of fikri or tarki jehad.this is intended to spread the teachings of Islam in a secular manner with humanitarian mask using pen,peper,internet etc. In the past,nearly 13 Sufi silsilas came to india with the sole intention of spreading thier religion through dancing,singing and devotion.when they failed to establish thier stronghold on this soil.they called for mussalah jihad with the help of contemperory muslim kings and invaders.
(3) Mussalah jihad – when the earlier two kinds of jihad fails and the foreign body do not attract towards prophet’s teachings. islam calls for AK-47 kind of jihad. this is worldwide famous for its brutality and bigotory. in the past. Allauddin khilji. Babur.Aurangjeb etc. were the representative of such a bigotory.
to be continued……
this is my first blog in english,therefore,there may be many grammatical errors in it.i am honing up my writing skill in this language.since the matter called immediate atention,i used this languge for greater accessability.this article is based on an earliar article written by Mr. Khursheed Alam (Associate Proffessor,Urdu departement,DU) Printed in Dainik Jagran at june 9, 2002.

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